Thursday, November 14, 2013

The online recruiting form: Q&A with baseball Coach Steve Marchi

Steve Marchi is the head baseball coach at Roosevelt University. Marchi is entering his fourth season and he credited as being the first head baseball in school history. Marchi is a former graduate of Roosevelt and looking forward to build a winning program.  

Q: Can I have your permission to use this interview for possible on-air or Internet use?

A: Yes. 

Q: Can you spell you first and last name for me?

A: Steve Marchi.

Q: Can you identify your title and how you would like to be identified?  

A: Head Baseball Coach, Coach Marchi is fine.

Q: What culture are you trying to bring to Roosevelt’s baseball program and athletics in general?

A: Respect, Honesty, Accountability, and Leadership. 

Q: In your time here have you accomplished that goal?

A: It is a never-ending work in progress. 

Q: Being that recruiting is essential to all college athletics, what are some characteristics traits, or attitudes you look for in recruits?

A: Baseball ability, baseball knowledge, grades, character. 

Q: If a potential recruit lacks in one of the areas you value, will you still recruit him?

A: Sometime, each case is unique. 

Q: Are you familiar with the recruiting form online? If so, explain what it’s used for and how it helps the recruiting process?

A: Yes. Gathering information that allows us to start the vetting process. 

Q: The form requires recruits to give information such as their social media names, parent’s college information and exact ACT scores (Math, Reading, Science and English). Do you feel all of this information is necessary?  

A: Yes.  It gives us an idea of how prepared a student might be and it also helps to show us how interested a recruit might truly be. 

Q: Do you feel some of the information asked on the form is inappropriate or discriminative? 

A: No. 

Q: So if a recruit’s parents didn’t go to college or came from an adverse background would you take a chance on him?

A: Yes. In reality, every recruit is a “chance.”

Q: As the recruiting season continues, what are you looking to accomplish?

A: We have very specific needs from year to year. Next year’s class should be 10-12 new student athletes. Our biggest needs right now are infield and pitching.  We are old in both of those areas.

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